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Holy City of Air
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Magamat Music Center
(Khan of the White Donkey)
"Maqamat Music Center is a long-time dream come true: A place for deep classical Oriental music learning, a performance and workshop venue, and a community gathering spot for music and events. A new multi-cultural flavor in the holy city of Tzfat." ~Musa Quayyes
"So wonderful to see the Music Tradition's of the Jewish communities who were in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Aleppo Syria, Yemen, Morocco, Central Asia which were brought back with them to the land, come again alive in the Land."
Located at the end of the HaMa'ayan HaRadum Square, in the center of the Artists Quarter, the Khan of the White Donkey (Khan Hahamor Halavan) is one of the three oldest buildings in Safed.
The Khan functions as an Academy of Eastern Music. It hosts weekly Thursday night concerts which feature local musicians as well as nationally-known Israeli bands and artists. A number of classes and workshops operate at the Khan including yoga classes and a storytelling hour for children.
The name, the Khan, means “Inn.” It brings a connotation of hospitality and a welcoming atmosphere which reflect the impression that the Khan’s developers wanted to convey when they named the structure. The term “White Donkey” relates to a kabbalistic belief regarding the Coming of the Messiah. “The Zohar”, the book that forms the basis of Kabbalah knowledge and study, reveals that when the Messiah arrives he will travel from Mount Meron (the gravesite of the Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, author of The Zohar) through Tzfat on his way to Jerusalem, riding a white donkey.
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