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the novel: ASH FROM THE ROSE:

I have never read a Holocaust novel  or memoir that took me more than 2-3 hours to complete from start to finish. When Elie Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for "Night" it wasn't a long book. In fact, he said so much in very few words.


When I sat down to write "Ash from the Rose"  I kept this same goal in mind. My novel won't take you days to finish. In fact, it will probably take you less than

3 hours. I don't waste time getting to the heart  of what is happening.

I wrote it in digital format. I taught Ebook/ Kindle courses in Lincoln, Nebraska at Southeast Community College prior to coming to Israel. ASH FROM THE ROSE was composed in an Ebook template--which I created as a Microsoft Word doc.file.



a note from

Pam L. Fiedler


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I was born in the year 1971. I was not born Jewish. My nightmares began at the age of 13. At that time, I was highly engrossed into J. Jakes books on the Civil

War such as "The North & South. "And, while I had a basic knowledge about the Holocaust, I didn't hang out with it. I didn't read books  about it, or see some scary Holocaust movie on television that sparked the basis of my night terrors.


When I witness Hitler screaming in my nightmares; and I stand in line waiting to be gassed at the death camps-- I must ask myself:


What is the moral to this story?


In my eyes: Hitler chose his own personal evil of self interest. This was his largest downfall: He chose Ambition over Love...







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