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new series in process



I just recently moved to Tsfat, Israel--

the Holy City of Air, located with breathtaking views of Mt. Meron.


With every sunset comes a movement of an unsettled history and past that is awakening. I chose to move to Tsfat for many reasons. It's home to the famous Jewish Artist Quarter and galleries, the epic center of Kabbalah, an ancient cemetery, and the home of my Rabbi.


"UNFINISHED" explores my most recent Holocaust Nightmares--where my Rabbi appears with me directly before deportation. He's been shot in the leg by the SS soldiers, and we are sitting on the platform waiting for the train.

I've been experimenting with acrylic paint, and photographing the images wet--such as the Star of David. Next, cropping down and importing onto my design palette.

Here, you can see my creative process in motion as I create the design step by step.

Dear Rabbi,

If you believe in LIGHT

it's because of Obscurity.

If your believe in JOY

it's because of Sadness:


Poster # 2



Each poster in this series represents a continuation from one Holocaust nightmare to the next. I wasn't sure if I would see my Rabbi again. I watched the SS drag him off the platform and away from me. He told me not to forget him. I didn't know if they were taking him into the forest to shoot him.


Dear Rabbi,

Can you tell me I will be okay

when you have witnessed the MONSTERS

I battle every night as the sun goes down?

The truth is glimpsed through

the EYES of death.



I find out in this second nightmare that my Rabbi isn't dead.

Instead, we survived deportation and are being tortured in

separate rooms. I can hear him, but I can't see him.


You can read more in depth about this series on my WordPress blog.

I'm considering creating duet posters--a set of 2 that will be exhibited side by side. I don't know at this time how many duet posters this series will entail. I just had another Holocaust Nightmare last night.

I've explored acrylic paint and the "wet on wet" application twice already. I'm ready to move on to other medias along this journey.


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